1. What are the advantages of LEDs compared to conventional luminaires?
Longer service life. This also includes a longer maintenance-free period.
High-performance diodes ensure excellent luminous efficacy.
LEDs are ideal to save energy.
Operating and maintenance costs are reduced to a minimum amount.
Low CO2 emission. LED luminaires contribute to climate protection.
LEDs are ideal for use in extreme temperatures.
LEDs have a high vibration resistance. They are ideally suited for use in rough industrial environments.
LED luminaires increase safety. They do not suddenly fail completely, but only gradually lose their luminosity.
Luminous intensity can be adjusted to the surrounding light.
2. What are the disadvantages of LEDs?
The main disadvantage is that customers do not have enough information about LEDs. Many customers do not know yet about the cost benefits they can achieve by using modern LED technology. Exactly for this purpose we offer a tool to identify your individual cost benefits.
3. Is it advisable to wait with the use of LED?
No. LED technology is the most economic and most modern lighting technology on the market. Due to the long service life, LEDs are most cost effective when they are used as soon as possible. And the maintenance costs can be reduced as well.
4. How advanced is the development of LEDs?
Use of LEDs is not a topic of the future any more. Nowadays, the technology is far advanced so that it can be used without any restrictions. Luminous efficacy is significantly higher than 100lm/W. Service life of all R. STAHL LEDs is more than 100,000 hours. This corresponds to more than 10 years of continuous operation.
5. Why is LED lighting more expensive than conventional luminaires?
For LEDs, durable, high-quality, impact-resistant and heat-resistant materials are used. So these lamps are more expensive than conventional luminaires. But the purchase price will soon be amortized due to the lower operating costs thanks to reduced electricity consumption, and the lower maintenance costs. So LEDs are cheaper when the complete service life is considered.
6. What are the differences between LEDs and incandescent lamps?
The main difference between the two light sources is the lighting efficiency; with a lumen output of up to 180 lm/W, the LED is almost 10 times more efficient than a conventional halogen lamp. Instead of converting 5 % of the input energy to light, the LED converts up to 35 % of the energy into visible radiation.
7. What are the differences between LEDs and gas discharge lamps?
Every high intensity discharge lamp needs mercury to generate visible light. This mercury is a heavy burden on the environment. The new LED technology does not need this environmentally harmful element. Here you can learn more about the differences.
8. What is the service life of LEDs?
Service life is more than 100.000 hours. This corresponds to more than 10 years of continuous operation. After this time, however, the LED will not be broken. You will still get at least 70% of the original luminosity.
9. Does the lighting quality remain the same after a change to LEDs?
The quality of LEDs is at least similar to the quality you had before – often it is even better.
10. Do LEDs shine as brightly as conventional luminaires?
Yes, a comparable brightness can be achieved with LEDs. LEDs use a nominally lower luminous flux but have an equal illuminance, as LEDs shine the light exactly to the spot where it is required.
11. Can LEDs be dimmed?
Yes. Brightness can be adjusted to individual requirements. It is controlled via modern light management systems. This makes them even more efficient.
12. Is the service life of dimmed LEDs shorter?
No. Due to less power consumption, service life may even be longer.
13. How quickly do LED luminaires start?
LED luminaires illuminate fully and immediately after they are turned on.
14. What are the most important photometric units?
Luminous intensity
Colour temperature
15. What is luminous intensity?
The luminous intensity (measured in lumen) specifies the light that is emitted by a lamp in all directions. Contrary to conventional lamps, LEDs emit light in only one direction and therefore achieve the desired illuminance with less luminous flux, as there is no loss due to light emission in unnecessary directions.
16. What is illuminance?
The illuminance (measured in lux) shows how many lumens from a light source reach a given surface.
17. What is the colour temperature?
The colour temperature (measured in kelvin) is the temperature of a thermal radiator (incandescent lamp). The lower this figure is (e.g. 2,800K), the warmer the light seems to be (yellowish). In case of higher figures (e.g. 6,500K), the light seems to be colder (bluish).
18. What is wattage?
The wattage (measured in watt) shows the energy consumption, but you cannot deduct the luminous intensity of a luminaire from the wattage. The objective of energy-efficient lighting must be to generate as much light as possible using the lowest possible amount of energy, i.e. to achieve a high number of lumens per watt.
Do you want to know what makes LED the best lighting option? Then check out this article.
If you have further questions about LED technology, then contact one of our experts.
Article was taken from R. STAHL official site: http://stahl-explorers.com/